LabCOM PrimeLab

App - Software - Cloud
The most powerful LabCOM App / Software / Cloud-solution, developed over many years and in use with the PrimeLab 1.0 along with the PoolLab, also connects and runs with the PrimeLab 2.0

The PrimeLab 2.0 along with the LabCOM App and Software allows you to create unlimited Accounts (water sites or locations) and to enter individual water treatment chemicals, both are synchronized via the LabCOM Cloud. Reports can be created, printed or sent, dose recommendations can be created and statistics can be run.

Also featured the admin-tool allows you to create rules, such as: needs to be tested daily or: test result must be in between.. and gives warnings when these rules are broken. With the admin tool, the user also can grant access to other users, such as customers or headquaters, with full flexibility to select what information shall be shared.

Labcom Primelab
LabCOM Software runs under Windows and Mac
Labcom Primelab
LabCOM App runs under Android and iOS
Labcom Primelab
Unlimited user-defined Accounts (water sites or locations)
Labcom Primelab
Remote control and/or enter manual results
Labcom Primelab
User defined water treatment chemicals for dosage recommendation
Labcom Primelab
Set operator, language and backup data
Labcom Primelab
Choice of languages
Labcom Primelab
Full support menu, including user manuals, videos and FAQ links